Manage Notifications for Auto Recon Messages
This article explains how users can manage their notifications for successful Auto Reconciliation messages to avoid unnecessary notifications. By default, users are notified of every successful Auto Recon via the notifications bell icon. However, users now have the option to opt out of these notifications through a toggle in the Notification Subscriptions settings.
Step By Step Guide
Login to Central and navigate to Settings.
Under Notifications Subscriptions, you will see a new toggle, “Receive Successful Auto Recon Messages”.
- Toggle On: You will receive notifications for every successful Auto Recon.
- Toggle Off: You will not receive notifications for successful Auto Recons.
Important Notes:
1. The toggle is set to True by default. You will need to manually turn it off if you do not wish to receive these notifications.
2. Unsuccessful Auto Recon notifications will be sent regardless of the toggle status, ensuring you are informed of any issues that require attention.