Central - Amenities


Central provides users the ability to add a list of Amenities association with a community.

This guide will lead you a step by step on how to add Amenities for each community and how to filter and search to quickly find them.


Step By Step 

 Login to Enumerate Central and from the left-hand navigation menu select Communities then chose a community record. 


From the community page select Amenity.


 On the Amenities page click on the Actions menu and select Add Amenity.


User is redirected to the Add new amenity page to enter the display name, phone numbers, email & websites, addresses, and GPS location for each amenity.


Clicking +Save and Add New will save the amenity data and allow users to add additional Amenity records.  Clicking Save will return the user to Amenities page. 


User can filter the list of Amenities by selection the filter option on the Amenities page and entering any Title, Address, Phone Number or Email.  Any Amenity that contains the search criteria will be returned in the filtered results. 





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