Templates Overview

July 2024 Update: Two updates have been made to the Template Library

  • A New Enumerate Payments Reminder – This letter template will allow the PMC to reach out to homeowners who have not signed up for online payments.  This letter includes the numerous benefits of using Enumerate Pay and how to set up their payment profile.
  • Updated Welcome Letter - Updates have been made to the existing Welcome letter template used to send to new homeowners moving into a community.  This letter includes ways to contact the management company and how to sign up for convenient online payments with Enumerate Payments.




Templates are prepared letters that can be sent in mass, using merge codes to add owner and additional information to allow personalization and appear as if it was created specifically for the recipient

Besides the basic owner information, there are merge codes to pull just about every field within Enumerate Central. Templates can be assigned for violations, checks, statements, letters, and other forms of communication.


Note: Even your custom fields have a merge code. There are also merge codes for community info and the management company.


To Access the Template Library

Note: You must have admin permissions access the Template Library.

  • Select the Admin button on the bottom of the left navigational menu.
  • Scroll down to the related links section on the bottom right and select Template Library.

Before you get started

Note: To edit templates, you need Office 365 or Office 2013 or higher.

  • Modifying any of these templates in lower versions of MS Office will cause the template to break
  • Once you have your word document open, you can quickly add merge codes and customize your template to save to your template library and reuse as needed.


Using the Enumerate Central Merge Code Manager, you can place merge codes into your letter templates to easily add owner information when processing communications across your entire portfolio.

Once you have your mouse pointer where you want to insert the merge code, just click, and it'll appear on your document. 

When processing communications to multiple owners, each document will only have information pertaining to the single receiving owner appearing personalized.


Best Practice: When saving your templates, use a naming convention to easily identify any templates that are specific to only one community, as the templates are a global feature, meaning they are available to all communities.



Example of using the Merge Code Manager with a letter:




It's time to upload your templates! Uploading your templates can be done in just a few clicks. When adding your templates, be sure to use the description section to give other users an idea of what the template has. 

When uploading, you can select where you want to be able to use the template, and how the template will be delivered to the owner. 

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