Vendor - Add a Vendor


A "vendor" is someone who you are paying for goods or services using the AP system. A
vendor must exist in the system before a check can be issued or an AP transaction can be
recorded against them. 

Vendors are global in Enumerate Central, meaning they only need to be added once for your community. Once they have been added, a bill can be entered for a vendor in any community in your portfolio. 

This article will go over how to add a new vendor. 


Step By Step

  • Click on Accounts Payable 

  • Click Vendors.

  • Click Actions then Add Vendor

  • Fill in the fields with the vendor's information


  • Vendor Name The name of this vendor as you would want to see it on checks and reports.
  • Tax ID
  • OR
  • Vendor ID 
  • Abbreviation for the vendor name, this can be up to 10 alphanumeric characters. 


Phone Number

By default, the phone numbers are Listed

If you don't want the phone number listed, click the word listed. It will change to Unlisted in a green box

To remove a field, Click the "X"

To add a field, click the +Add button

To Add a phone number with an extension, select Work 


Add a Vendor Email for the ability to email work orders to the vendors. 


Vendor address 

Federal Tax number

Receives 1099

Eligible for California EDD Reporting


  • Click Save when finished 

  • After if you need to edit click Actions> Edit Vendor





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