Check Register Report Update


Check Register Report

Step by Step

1) Reports > Standard> Accounts Payable> Check Register


By default the behavior for the check register will behave as it does today. Where a check shows as voided in a prior month.

However, we have released a new toggle switch that allows you to set the Voids in Month of Occurrence to true (green) which will allow the Voids to populate in the month they occur and the checks they were applied to will continue to show as ‘paid’ until the void occurred.


Toggle False


Toggle True




and also-

Step by Step

  1. Once you have entered your bills and are ready to make payments, go to AP Make Payments

  2. Select the payments you wish to make by clicking on the “+” button on each card or by utilizing the “Select All” option


  3. Click on the Actions button and select Make Payments


  4. On the make payments review screen, on the top right-hand side of the screen under the date, toggle on Print Check Register Report

  5. You will receive a notification that your checks are printing, and you can access your batch report in the AR batch activity or go to the Print Jobs area under Reports

  6. You can click on the notification; this will bring you to the transaction where you can print the View This Check Button and the Print Check Register Button.

  7. You can also find the Check Register Report under Print Jobs.

  8. In this example of the report, you see that the report is consolidated by one bank account and it separates the vendors processed within this batch providing a total for the batch of checks.


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